That New-Website Look

Rebuilding this website using SvelteKit.

Tech · 1423 words · 8 min read · 1006 views


Though still in beta, SvelteKit is a very promising front-end framework. Its support for Markdown preprocessing, static website building, and its ability to compile into native JavaScript (with no external libraries to download) make it an ideal tool for a variety of web projects, especially relatively simple websites such as this one.

The previous version of this website, built in summer 2016, used a PHP back-end with jQuery for basic front-end interactivity. At the time, I described it as “a random patchwork of scripts cobbled together that somehow hasn’t exploded yet.” Five years later, I now make my livelihood as a software developer, so better code quality was certainly an objective of this rebuild.

This post is a quick look at how I designed and developed this latest incarnation of my personal website.


My goal in redesigning this website was to keep it as simple as possible. Except for images, everything is black and white. I found no good reason to incorporate colour into the design and thus left it out. This high-contrast, monochromatic colour scheme naturally symbolizes snow and rock in the mountains. In few other environments are things so often black and white. Most western Canadians should recognize the mountain that doubles as the “scroll to top” button in the footer (check the image filename if not).

It has been said that good design doesn’t start in a vacuum. Here are a number of websites that served as visual inspiration for this redesign (and sometimes code too—thanks to all who open-sourced their repos):

I have borrowed or adapted certain design elements from each of these websites, among many others. To start with a blank slate, to then take ideas from other sources, and ultimately to morph them into a new creation and see it take on a style of its own is what makes the creative process so satisfying to me.

I created mockups in Adobe XD. A long-since-abandoned mockup actually included a left-hand menu (it actually exists in code somewhere way back in the repo history):

An early mockup with a left-hand menu.
An early mockup with a left-hand menu.

In practice, however, the left-hand menu didn’t balance well with other content—it more strongly said “documentation website” rather than “professional portfolio”. Moving the menu back to the top achieved much better visual harmony. Iterate, iterate, iterate. I hate to think how many commits have a message no more specific than “style updates”. Here is a comparison showing the final mockup and the actual coded website:

Website mockup (left) vs. actual site (right).
Website mockup (left) vs. actual site (right).

Depending on your device settings, you may be viewing this site in light or dark mode. This can be changed in the menu, or via this convenient button:

Your eyeballs will likely get zapped when going from dark to light mode. While good user experience would be to reduce the contrast between light and dark mode by dulling the colours, I have intentionally keep the transition quite jarring. Snowblindness can happen easily enough up high in the mountains, so a minor dose of it here might strengthen the symbolism of my black-and-white colour scheme.

For spacing within the layout, I implemented Every Layout’s Modular scale, that defines harmonic root-level CSS variables:

:root {
  --ratio: 1.5;
  --s-5: calc(var(--s-4) / var(--ratio));
  --s-4: calc(var(--s-3) / var(--ratio));
  --s-3: calc(var(--s-2) / var(--ratio));
  --s-2: calc(var(--s-1) / var(--ratio));
  --s-1: calc(var(--s0) / var(--ratio));
  --s0: 1rem;
  --s1: calc(var(--s0) * var(--ratio));
  --s2: calc(var(--s1) * var(--ratio));
  --s3: calc(var(--s2) * var(--ratio));
  --s4: calc(var(--s3) * var(--ratio));
  --s5: calc(var(--s4) * var(--ratio));

Margins and padding can then be defined with values such as var(--s0) etc., which are perhaps less arbitrary than otherwise.


As mentioned, this website is built using SvelteKit. Under the hood, SvelteKit uses Vite for bundling, which was fabulously quick and reliable.

My journal entries are written in Markdown, so transferring these from the old PHP back-end involved simply pasting all the Markdown files into this project—data migration doesn’t get much simpler than that!


Photos are a big part of this website’s raison d’être, so I wanted to feature them extensively while also loading images as quickly as possible. On my previous website, image galleries relied too heavily on client-side JavaScript and were quite slow. The Events page is now much more performant and engaging—kind of fun to look back on all the adventures I’ve had over the years. Photos are hosted on ImageKit and are also served via its responsive-image pipeline and CDN. By using their service (and staying within the free tier), image-loading performance is as good as possible, with minimal infrastructure for me to manage.

Notable Packages

The following packages were quite helpful in the development of this site:

  • mdsvex for combined Markdown/Svelte content (such as the above inline light/dark mode toggle—slick!)
  • remark-reading-time for word counts and reading time estimates
  • Svelte Gallery for the photo masonry grids
  • PhotoSwipe (v5 beta) for the full-screen photo lightboxes
  • svimg for optimizing all non-ImageKit images (such as images embedded in journal entries)

Browser Support

I haven’t bothered testing this website in Internet Explorer 11. If it looks like garbage in your browser, then try something more modern.


While animations are easy enough to implement with Svelte (or vanilla CSS), I have refrained from using them on this website. The reason for this is perceived speed: this website is a modern SPA (single-page application) and thus does not require full reloads while navigating across different pages. Pages load as near to instantaneous as is currently possible with modern web tools, and animations, while on occasion tasteful, add time for pages to appear fully ready, thus making them appear slower. This is perhaps a matter of taste—but no animations here (except for smooth-behavior: smooth in Chromium browsers).


I have currently written no automated tests for this website. It’d be nice to set up some with Cypress. On the to-do list for later.


This website is a perfect candidate for static export as the content changes relatively rarely (via SvelteKit’s adapter-static). For a hobby site such as this, the Netlify free tier is more than adequate for the build pipeline and hosting.

During development, I often deployed the code to my already-paid-for shared hosting account to minimize the number of build minutes consumed by Netlify (max 300 per month). To automate this, I created a local terminal alias that builds and then rsyncs the files over ssh to the shared server when I type deploy (maybe this is useful to someone):

alias deploy="cd <local-repo-directory> && npm run build && rsync -cvzhe "ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa_deploy" --links --times --delete --recursive --safe-links <local repo directory>/build/ <username>@<server-ssh-address>:public_html"

If you want to get really fancy, use adapter-netlify to get dynamic server rendering via Netlify functions. One benefit of this approach would be getting the events list to dynamically update when a new event gallery is uploaded in ImageKit. With the static export, a full rebuild is required every time a new event is added, requiring me to manually trigger a rebuild (via a custom webook mapped to a terminal alias). Given how rarely the content changes, dynamic server rendering is overkill for a site like this, but it’s nice to see how wonderfully simple it would be to implement.

Final words

I have maintained a personal website as far back as 2006. Here is an old screenshot I dredged up:

My website in 2006.
My website in 2006.

Needless to say, my website has come a long way.

The increased sophistication of my personal website over the years mirrors both the larger industry (web development has gone from a subset of software development, when CDs were the primary distribution mode of software titles, to entering the stratosphere and impacting basically all industries) as well as my own journey into tech (dabbling in website dev in high school and university to now writing software professionally). My career path has been anything but linear: after pursuing careers in engineering and science that I struggled to develop any genuine excitement for, I have come full-circle back to web development.

An older relative kept telling me that one day, my various pursuits would come together professionally, and now, they have, in a way I never saw coming. Years ago, while working in downtown Calgary, I took a night course on graphic design, while keeping up my dabbling in web development. While these were largely escapes at the time, they are now integral in my professional work. So this is my message to you today: explore and nurture your talents (be a good steward of them)—you never know when they could become more relevant in your personal or professional life.

This redesign was a fun project to keep occupied while avoiding summer smoke and shoulder season here in Revelstoke. I’ll echo the consensus that seems to be, uh, developing around SvelteKit (pun intended, as usual): that it offers a terrific experience building modern, fast websites. Lastly, feel free to take a look under the hood of this website at its Github repository.

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